Tuesday, October 13

just not enough. . .

i realise that my blog is slowly filling up with words and not enough images
and somehow i feel like starting a drawing project although i know that now is sortaaaa not the time for that. but but but all i wanna do is drawwww. i miss drawing so much, and i can't wait til these 1.5 months are over, then i can draw all day long, and visit interesting art exhibits and ahhhh such is life =DD
ideas for the project anyone??
recently at borders i saw a book (funny that!) which was a whole collection of postcards this artist had drawn/bought from travels/made herself? and she would one everyday to someone she knew or strangers for that matter, and the things she wrote on them were quite random. inspired. some didn't even have the proper postcard template, and the address was simply scribbled in an unused little corner and a postage stamp was stuck on to this special piece of card . >_<
called : From Sometimes, Love Beth . <- i think
so yeah that's my art life so far. recently i've been hooked onto some designer blogs who are hooked onto other designers' blogs and its just pure awesome. please check out some listed to the right - - - > tres cool desu! um um mu? what elseee
oh for the project i might start a 365 day one if i can think of a theme, that'd be fun to do and hopefully make this blog a tad more colourful^^ another thing i wanted to do was join a life drawing class. .hmm i've been looking through a few websites and most of them are for non-students so i'll be the youngest one there joy! but i might still go just cos i lurrvvvv the anatomy of the human body and yeah people are challenging to draw and fun too. [for those who don't quite know. .life drawing is nude, as opposed to drawing a flower from life >_>yeh yeh?] althoughhhhhhhhhh, i did find a company that drew models but every week they had themed costumes such as circus/ gothic / etc. awesomeness, but i think ill pass on that one hahaha. who woulda thought bloggin about drawing could be so long O_O. yet another thing i want to do isss. redecorate ma room!! someone feels like getting new curtains, i don't reallyyyyy mind the ones i have now because i can just pull them up when its summer and have clean empty windows, always a plus, but until the summerrrr my room will be staying messy i guess. unless of course i go on some housework rampage as i do and decide to spend a whole day cleaning (perfectionist as i am) til there's not a speck of dust anywhere .
right that went off on a tangent . so closing my argument is . . .
